Tag: ActiveDirectory
Set PowerShell Credential
…you can make the script prompt you for you admin credential or you can type it in manually, or adjust from your username for more elevation
Get ALL A User’s Groups
…get every group a user is in, including the Primary
Get Domain Users
The reason you cannot enumerate all ‘Domain Users’ members is due to size restrictions of the PowerShell commands,
Get-ADGroup WildCard is BROKEN
In the past (2018) you could use ‘like’ on Get-adgroup, like this:
PS Script to Promote 2019 Server to RWDC
Add-WindowsFeature -Name “AD-Domain-Services” -IncludeManagementTools:$False -Confirm -ea Inquire -LogPath “C:\Users\$env:username\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\log\$day-RWDCPromo.log”
Gpupdate Latency Errors Lookup Script
I cannot TELL you how hard this was to write. Holy smokes the help on this is terrible.
Locate Pervasive Lockouts of AD Accounts
You can use PowerShell to search the Security event log for lockout events…
PowerShell: Install ActiveDirectory Easily
I have found this make installing the ActiveDirectory Module FAR easier.Quick.Painless.
Get-AdComputer is not showing originating server
When I run an AD enumeration script, the Server I am running FROM never shows in the list…
Why is the Interactive PowerShell 5.1 So Limited?
I have discovered that the interactive powershell in version 5.1 is badly limited.