Tag: Powershell
100 count restrictions in PowerShell and PowerCLI
Now why do ya think this may be so, there, now, yet?
4sysops.com: how to change the PowerShell prompt (Mirror)
Log4J scanning fails to create csv file
invoke-command -scriptblock {powershell -File “D:\batch\Fix-4Log4J.ps1”} -computer $Server -AsJob -JobName “Scan4Log4J” -Verbose -EA SilentlyContinueWhen I run this script locally, with enter-pssession the script works just fine but NO CSV & D:\batch\Fix-4Log4J.ps1Yet every time I try to invoke, directly or with SAPS it fails to create file When I run this script locally, with enter-pssession the script…
Get-AdComputer is not showing originating server
When I run an AD enumeration script, the Server I am running FROM never shows in the list…
Why is the Interactive PowerShell 5.1 So Limited?
I have discovered that the interactive powershell in version 5.1 is badly limited.