Tag: Server
Sometimes a simple script makes life easier…
Log Specific IPV4 Traffic When Found
HOWTO-Run Robocopy Hard and Fast
To ignore errors and make Robocopy proceed without stopping, you can adjust the `/R` and `/W` switches in your command. The `/R` switch specifies the number of retries on failed copies, and the `/W` switch specifies the wait time between retries². To force Robocopy to copy a file regardless of its condition, you can use…
Set PowerShell Credential
…you can make the script prompt you for you admin credential or you can type it in manually, or adjust from your username for more elevation
VM PS Templates: Query VMs PoweredOn
This script renumerates through all the VCSAs and makes a big list of the PoweredOn VMs and runs a job against them, like TC (ping)
PS Script to Promote 2019 Server to RWDC
Add-WindowsFeature -Name “AD-Domain-Services” -IncludeManagementTools:$False -Confirm -ea Inquire -LogPath “C:\Users\$env:username\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\log\$day-RWDCPromo.log”
As you can see, Microsoft’s syntax is wrong:They show the syntax for setting soft-passive mode as ‘Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true’ when it is ‘Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring:$true’ <– NOTE THE COLON??? Arrrrgghhhh! I cannot tell you how frustrating it is when code is not written to give you ANY response unless you get the syntax EXACTLY right. *SIGH*…
Gpupdate Latency Errors Lookup Script
I cannot TELL you how hard this was to write. Holy smokes the help on this is terrible.
Locate Pervasive Lockouts of AD Accounts
You can use PowerShell to search the Security event log for lockout events…
PowerShell: Install ActiveDirectory Easily
I have found this make installing the ActiveDirectory Module FAR easier.Quick.Painless.