Tag: VMware
Find and Install SSH Module
$Module = (FIND-Module SSH).name Install-Module -Name $Module -AllowClobber -Verbose -SkipPublisherCheck -Repository PSGallery -AcceptLicense -PassThru|` Import-Module -NoClobber -DisableNameChecking -PassThru -Verbose|Update-Module -Verbose -AcceptLicense -PassThru|Get-Module
Set PowerShell Credential
…you can make the script prompt you for you admin credential or you can type it in manually, or adjust from your username for more elevation
VM PS Templates: Query VMs PoweredOn
This script renumerates through all the VCSAs and makes a big list of the PoweredOn VMs and runs a job against them, like TC (ping)
VMware-Backup ESXi Config File
PowerShell/PowerCLI: UMount All ISOs At Once
Get-VM -Name $vm | Get-CDDrive | Set-CDDrive -NoMedia -StartConnected $false
PowerCLI: Add Hot Add / Hot Plug Status to a Specific VM Guest
Add Hot Add / Hot Plug Status to a specific VM Guest