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An IT engineering family’s journey…

  • HOWTO-Run Robocopy Hard and Fast

    HOWTO-Run Robocopy Hard and Fast

    To ignore errors and make Robocopy proceed without stopping, you can adjust the `/R` and `/W` switches in your command. The `/R` switch specifies the number of retries on failed copies, and the `/W` switch specifies the wait time between retries². To force Robocopy to copy a file regardless of its condition, you can use…

  • Reverse Ping a 255.255.254 Scope

    Reverse Ping a 255.255.254 Scope

    To quickly obtain the devices using an IPv4Address in a scope reverse ping the scope in PowerShell (5.1) ‘#’ReverseLookup-Ipv4Address-By23Range.ps1’$subnet = read-host -Prompt “What IP scope with /23 range? -leave off the last octet numbers – like this 10.228.30. “for ($i=0; $i -le 511; $i++) { $ip = $subnet + $i Resolve-DnsName -name $ip -ea SilentlyContinue|select…

  • Find and Install SSH Module

    Find and Install SSH Module

    $Module = (FIND-Module SSH).name Install-Module -Name $Module -AllowClobber -Verbose -SkipPublisherCheck -Repository PSGallery -AcceptLicense -PassThru|` Import-Module -NoClobber -DisableNameChecking -PassThru -Verbose|Update-Module -Verbose -AcceptLicense -PassThru|Get-Module

  • Remove Revoked Certificates

    Remove Revoked Certificates

    The removal of revoked certificates is not automatic…

  • Set PS 5.1 to use PS 7 PSModulePath

    Set PS 5.1 to use PS 7 PSModulePath

    …might as well prepare by using the D:\PowerShell path now with PS 5.1…

  • Set PowerShell Credential

    Set PowerShell Credential

    …you can make the script prompt you for you admin credential or you can type it in manually, or adjust from your username for more elevation

  • Update ADSS Subnets

    Update ADSS Subnets

    The real advantage of this script is the ability it gives you to update your ADSS subnets quickly #Import the Active Directory moduleImport-Module ActiveDirectory -NoClobber -DisableNameChecking -Scope Local#Import the CSV with headers$csvData = Import-Csv -Path D:\powershell\input\subnets.csv#Checks for any count and breaks if not $nullif(!($csvData.Count)){break}#Loop through each row in the CSVforeach ($row in $csvData) {#Get the…

  • Update-Windows_Powershell.ps1


    Updates Windows powershell modules, installs any not installed, and updates help for them all

  • Get ALL A User’s Groups

    Get ALL A User’s Groups

    …get every group a user is in, including the Primary

  • Get Domain Users

    Get Domain Users

    The reason you cannot enumerate all ‘Domain Users’ members is due to size restrictions of the PowerShell commands,

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Excellent, Handy Little book!

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