An IT engineering family’s journey…
VM PS Templates: Query VMs PoweredOn
This script renumerates through all the VCSAs and makes a big list of the PoweredOn VMs and runs a job against them, like TC (ping)
Illegals Voting???
Illegal immigrants are voting in US elections Mar-23-2024, Live at 1030hrs ET (click the link above) Regardless of what the legacy news outlets say, there is a growing number of municipalities in America where non-U.S. citizens can vote. In fact, there are very few state constitutions that explicitly outlaw this practice. Furthermore, the list of…
Get-ADGroup WildCard is BROKEN
In the past (2018) you could use ‘like’ on Get-adgroup, like this:
PS Script to Promote 2019 Server to RWDC
Add-WindowsFeature -Name “AD-Domain-Services” -IncludeManagementTools:$False -Confirm -ea Inquire -LogPath “C:\Users\$env:username\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\log\$day-RWDCPromo.log”
As you can see, Microsoft’s syntax is wrong:They show the syntax for setting soft-passive mode as ‘Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true’ when it is ‘Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring:$true’ <– NOTE THE COLON??? Arrrrgghhhh! I cannot tell you how frustrating it is when code is not written to give you ANY response unless you get the syntax EXACTLY right. *SIGH*…
VMware-Backup ESXi Config File
Gpupdate Latency Errors Lookup Script
I cannot TELL you how hard this was to write. Holy smokes the help on this is terrible.
Buy SquirrelTribe A Coffee Too!
We love you too! Buy me a coffee -Patrick SquirrelTribe Feb 6, 2024 Howdy Y’all Good morning! I just wanted to say a quick thank you to all of you for your support and friendship. I want 2024 to be the best year for all of us and I plan on doing my part…
Locate Pervasive Lockouts of AD Accounts
You can use PowerShell to search the Security event log for lockout events…
PowerShell: Install ActiveDirectory Easily
I have found this make installing the ActiveDirectory Module FAR easier.Quick.Painless.