An IT engineering family’s journey…
PowerShell/PowerCLI: UMount All ISOs At Once
Get-VM -Name $vm | Get-CDDrive | Set-CDDrive -NoMedia -StartConnected $false
ChatGPT-AzureAI:Tail in Windows
To use this function, simply call it with the path to the file you want to tail and the number of lines you want to show: tail “C:\Path\To\File.txt” 10
PowerShell: Check your local server performance
Collects performance data for 30 seconds and exits
PowerShell: Copy $Profile to every Windows Server
…Just remember to put your domain in for the ‘-SearchBase’
PowerCLI: Add Hot Add / Hot Plug Status to a Specific VM Guest
Add Hot Add / Hot Plug Status to a specific VM Guest
PowerCLI: Get the report of Hot Add / Hot Plug Status of the VMS
Get the report of Hot Add / Hot Plug Status of the VMS (updated from
🎓 AI is learning how to create itself | MIT Technology Review
A little stick figure with a wedge-shaped head shuffles across the screen. It moves in a half crouch, dragging one knee along the ground. It’s walking! Er, sort of. Yet Rui Wang is delighted. “Every day I walk into my office and open my computer, and I don’t know what to expect,” he says.
Check Wildcarded AD User Properties with PowerShell 5.1
Get all user properties, or just one, with a wildcard
Student suspended for talking about Jesus
The child’s father told radio host Todd Starnes of a meeting he was called upon to attend with school administrators over his son’s ‘continued behavior’
100 count restrictions in PowerShell and PowerCLI
Now why do ya think this may be so, there, now, yet?