An IT engineering family’s journey…
Remove that annoying top output line
HOWTO get that annoying top line off the output of PowerShell exports
PowerShell: Make a list of every account that connected to a server in the last 30 days
Gets every connection made, but only the last one, in the last 30 days
Install Any Command Easily in PowerShell
That’s how you would install ANY module for a command you need. Now TELL me that’s not convenient!
Our Azure Resource Group, Tenant, and Subscription Questions to
Azure RGs, Subscriptions and Tenants can get confusing; This Q&A my son Ryan and I asked, during our AZ-104 training, should help.. Can an Azure Subscription be accessible by multiple tenants? And why?In Azure, can there be multiple subscriptions in a tenant? Can users access multiple subscriptions? How?
- how to change the PowerShell prompt (Mirror)
Are EVs Really Green, or SAFE????
A measured look at the electric vehicle and how green it really is… The Net-Zero Fairy Tale of Lithium batteries Take the Tesla Model S (below),. In the winter of 2012, producing the electricity for a full charge created 124g of carbon emissions per km driven is roughly the same as a 2L Range Rover…
Log4J scanning fails to create csv file
invoke-command -scriptblock {powershell -File “D:\batch\Fix-4Log4J.ps1”} -computer $Server -AsJob -JobName “Scan4Log4J” -Verbose -EA SilentlyContinueWhen I run this script locally, with enter-pssession the script works just fine but NO CSV & D:\batch\Fix-4Log4J.ps1Yet every time I try to invoke, directly or with SAPS it fails to create file When I run this script locally, with enter-pssession the script…
How to quiesce an AWS instance to perform an uninterrupted OS upgrade
How do we quiesce an AWS instance to perform an uninterrupted operating system upgrade in-place, like from Microsoft Server 2012R2 to 2019, which can be easily done on other virtualized platforms, like VMware? We have a problem in our upgrades in Windows Server where the install backs out at 90%. AWS has looked and claims the install is being…
How do YOU get GDPR reconciliation for versioned storage?
In this climate of heightened, even ridiculous, security compliance expectations (like the GDPR), businesses and their IT staff have mandates from multiple sources to reliably remove specific data content, on request, from every source. When this requirement falls to SharePoint site stored data, like from Microsoft Teams Projects, you run into the problem of ‘revisioned’…
Get-AdComputer is not showing originating server
When I run an AD enumeration script, the Server I am running FROM never shows in the list…